Source code for in2lambda.json_convert.json_convert

"""Converts questions from a Python module object into Lambda Feedback JSON."""

import json
import os
import shutil
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any

from in2lambda.api.question import Question

MINIMAL_TEMPLATE = "minimal_template.json"

[docs] def converter( template: dict[str, Any], ListQuestions: list[Question], output_dir: str ) -> None: """Turns a list of question objects into Lambda Feedback JSON. Args: template: The loaded JSON from the minimal template (it needs to be in sync). ListQuestions: A list of question objects. output_dir: The absolute path for where to produced the final JSON/zip files. """ # Create output by copying template for i in range(len(ListQuestions)): output = deepcopy(template) # add title to the question file if ListQuestions[i].title != "": output["title"] = ListQuestions[i].title else: output["title"] = "Question " + str(i + 1) # add main text to the question file output["masterContent"] = ListQuestions[i].main_text # add parts to the question file if ListQuestions[i].parts: output["parts"][0]["content"] = ListQuestions[i].parts[0].text output["parts"][0]["workedSolution"][0]["content"] = ( ListQuestions[i].parts[0].worked_solution ) for j in range(1, len(ListQuestions[i].parts)): output["parts"].append(deepcopy(template["parts"][0])) output["parts"][j]["content"] = ListQuestions[i].parts[j].text output["parts"][j]["workedSolution"][0]["content"] = ( ListQuestions[i].parts[j].worked_solution ) # Output file filename = "question_" + str(i + 1) # create directory to put the questions os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) output_question = os.path.join(output_dir, filename) os.makedirs(output_question, exist_ok=True) # create directory to put image output_image = os.path.join(output_question, "media") os.makedirs(output_image, exist_ok=True) # write questions into directory with open(f"{output_question}/{filename}.json", "w") as file: json.dump(output, file) # write image into directory for k in range(len(ListQuestions[i].images)): image_path = os.path.abspath( ListQuestions[i].images[k] ) # converts computer path into python path shutil.copy(image_path, output_image) # copies image into the directory # output zip file in destination folder shutil.make_archive(output_question, "zip", output_question)
[docs] def main(questions: list[Question], output_dir: str) -> None: """Preliminary defensive programming before calling the main converter function. This ultimately then produces the Lambda Feedback JSON/ZIP files. Args: questions: A list of question objects. output_dir: Where to output the final Lambda Feedback JSON/ZIP files. """ # Use path so minimal template can be found regardless of where the user is running python from. with open(Path(__file__).with_name(MINIMAL_TEMPLATE), "r") as file: template = json.load(file) # check if directory exists in file if os.path.isdir(output_dir): try: shutil.rmtree(output_dir) except OSError as e: print("Error: %s : %s" % (output_dir, e.strerror)) converter(template, questions, output_dir)