
Question parts appear one after another, and solutions for those parts come next.

Minimal ExampleΒΆ

A PDF which this filter parses correctly is shown below:

πŸ“„ LaTeX Code


% This is a common method for including/excluding solutions from the PDF.


\section*{Minimal Example}




\item Here is some interesting information. Calculate the following:

    \item $1+1$
    \item $2+2$

        \item $1+1=2$
        \item $2+2=4$

\item This questions has no parts. What is the solution?

    This is the solution.



🐍 Python Filter
#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""Question parts appear one after another, and solutions for those parts come next."""

from typing import Optional

import panflute as pf

from in2lambda.api.module import Module
from in2lambda.filters.markdown import filter

def pandoc_filter(
    elem: pf.Element,
    doc: pf.elements.Doc,
    module: Module,
    parsing_answers: bool,
) -> Optional[pf.Str]:
    """A Pandoc filter that parses and translates various TeX elements.

        elem: The current TeX element being processed. This could be a paragraph,
            ordered list, etc.
        doc: A Pandoc document container - essentially the Pandoc AST.
        module: The Python API that is used to store the result after processing
            the TeX file.
        parsing_answers: Whether an answers-only document is currently being parsed.

        Converted TeX elements for the AST where required
        e.g. replaces math equations so that they are surrounded by $.
    # Question text (ListItem -> List -> Doc)
    if isinstance(elem.ancestor(3), pf.Doc):
        match type(elem):
            case pf.Para:
                if hasattr(pandoc_filter, "question"):
                    pandoc_filter.question = [pf.stringify(elem)]
            case pf.OrderedList:
       = []
                for item in elem.content:

    # Solutions are in a Div
    if isinstance(elem, pf.Div):
        if hasattr(pandoc_filter, "parts"):
            for part in
        pandoc_filter.question = [] = []

        # If the first part of the div is an ordered list, assume part answers
        # If paragraph, extract all paragraphs as total answer
        match type(first_answer_part := elem.content[0]):
            case pf.OrderedList:
                for item in first_answer_part.content:
            case pf.Para:

    return None