πŸš€ QuickstartΒΆ

This page gives a quick overview of how to get started with in2lambda to quickly add documents to Lambda Feedback.

1. InstallationΒΆ


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The following creates an interactive container which includes in2lambda and mounts the current working directory into /files:

$ docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/files ghcr.io/lambda-feedback/in2lambda sh

Within the container, we can access the files and run in2lambda as normal.

$ cd files
$ in2lambda --help
$ ...
$ exit

The container is stopped and deleted after exiting, although the image remains downloaded for future use.


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Ensure that pandoc is already installed.

in2lambda can be installed via pip:

$ pip install in2lambda
$ in2lambda --help

This can also be done through pipx.

2. Choose a DocumentΒΆ

in2lambda takes in two arguments:

  • The path to a document.

  • A filter describing how to parse it.

A list of available filters can be found here.

For instance, the following takes in questions.tex and uses a filter that expects each part to be directly followed by the solution:

$ in2lambda questions.tex PartSolPartSol


The filter name is case-insensitive. Don’t worry about the capital letters.

Another filter might be used if the answers are in a separate file:

$ in2lambda questions.tex -a solutions.tex PartsSepSol

By default, this generates an out directory in the same place that the command was run in. It contains the zipped question files.

Check the command line tool reference for more information.

3. Import into Lambda FeedbackΒΆ

Click on a set in teacher mode. The arrow next to the β€œAdd Question” button allows you to import a question from a file.

Choose the zip file you wish to upload, and the question should appear! πŸŽ‰

Importing Question from file in Teacher Mode