
class in2lambda.api.module.Module(questions: list[~in2lambda.api.question.Question] = <factory>)[source]¶

Bases: object

Represents a list of questions.

__init__(questions: list[~in2lambda.api.question.Question] = <factory>) None¶



add_question([title, main_text])

Inserts a new question into the module.


Manually overrides the current question being modified.


Turns this module into Lambda Feedback JSON/ZIP files.



The current question being modified, or Question("INVALID") if there are no questions.


add_question(title: str = '', main_text: Element | str = Str()) None[source]¶

Inserts a new question into the module.

  • title – An optional string for the title of the question. If no title is provided, the question title auto-increments i.e. Question 1, 2, etc.

  • main_text – An optional string or panflute element for the main question text.


>>> from in2lambda.api.module import Module
>>> import panflute as pf
>>> module = Module()
>>> module.add_question("Some title", pf.Para(pf.Str("hello"), pf.Space, pf.Str("there")))
>>> module
Module(questions=[Question(title='Some title', parts=[], images=[], main_text='hello there')])
>>> module.add_question(main_text="Normal string text")
>>> module.questions[1].main_text
'Normal string text'
property current_question: Question¶

The current question being modified, or Question(“INVALID”) if there are no questions.

The reasoning behind returning Question(“INVALID”) is in case filter logic is being applied on text before the first question (e.g. intro paragraphs). In that case, there is no effect.


The current question or Question(“INVALID”) if there are no questions.


>>> from in2lambda.api.module import Module
>>> Module().current_question
Question(title='INVALID', parts=[], images=[], main_text='')
>>> module = Module()
>>> module.add_question()
>>> module.current_question
Question(title='', parts=[], images=[], main_text='')
increment_current_question() None[source]¶

Manually overrides the current question being modified.

The default (-1) indicates the last question added. Incrementing for the first time sets to 0 i.e. the first question.

The is useful if adding question text first and answers later.


>>> from in2lambda.api.module import Module
>>> module = Module()
>>> # Imagine adding the questions from a question file first...
>>> module.add_question("Question 1")
>>> module.add_question("Question 2")
>>> # ...and then adding solutions from an answer file later
>>> module.increment_current_question()  # Loop back to question 1
>>> module.current_question.add_solution("Question 1 answer")
>>> module.increment_current_question()
>>> module.current_question.add_solution("Question 2 answer")
>>> module.questions
[Question(title='Question 1', parts=[Part(text='', worked_solution='Question 1 answer')], images=[], main_text=''), Question(title='Question 2', parts=[Part(text='', worked_solution='Question 2 answer')], images=[], main_text='')]
to_json(output_dir: str) None[source]¶

Turns this module into Lambda Feedback JSON/ZIP files.

WARNING: This will overwrite any existing files in the directory.


output_dir – Where to output the final Lambda Feedback JSON/ZIP files.


>>> import tempfile
>>> import os
>>> import json
>>> # Create a module with two questions
>>> module = Module()
>>> module.add_question("Question 1")
>>> module.add_question("Question 2")
>>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
...     # Write the JSON files to the temporary directory
...     module.to_json(temp_dir)
...     # Check the contents of the directory
...     sorted(os.listdir(temp_dir))
...     # Check the title of the first question
...     with open(f"{temp_dir}/question_1/question_1.json") as file:
...         print(f"Question 1's title: {json.load(file)['title']}")
['question_1', '', 'question_2', '']
Question 1's title: Question 1