
class in2lambda.api.question.Question(title: str = '', parts: list[~in2lambda.api.part.Part] = <factory>, images: list[str] = <factory>, main_text: str = <property object>, _last_part: dict[str, int] = <factory>)[source]ΒΆ

Bases: object

A full question as represented on Lambda Feedback.

Each question has a title and is composed of a list of parts.


>>> from in2lambda.api.question import Question
>>> Question(title="Some title", main_text="Some text")
Question(title='Some title', parts=[], images=[], main_text='Some text')
__init__(title: str = '', parts: list[~in2lambda.api.part.Part] = <factory>, images: list[str] = <factory>, main_text: str = <property object>, _last_part: dict[str, int] = <factory>) NoneΒΆ


__init__([title, parts, images, main_text, ...])


Either adds a new part with the given text or modifies the first part with no text.


Adds a worked solution to all question parts without one, or inserts a new empty part with the solution if all parts already have a solution.



Main top-level question text.




add_part_text(elem: Element | str) None[source]ΒΆ

Either adds a new part with the given text or modifies the first part with no text.


elem – A string or panflute element denoting what the part text should be.


>>> from in2lambda.api.question import Question
>>> question = Question()
>>> question.add_part_text("part a")
>>> question.add_solution("part a solution")
>>> question
Question(title='', parts=[Part(text='part a', worked_solution='part a solution')], images=[], main_text='')
>>> # Supports adding the answer first.
>>> question.add_solution("part b solution")
>>> question.add_part_text("part b")
>>> question
Question(title='', parts=[Part(text='part a', worked_solution='part a solution'), Part(text='part b', worked_solution='part b solution')], images=[], main_text='')
add_solution(elem: Element | str) None[source]ΒΆ

Adds a worked solution to all question parts without one, or inserts a new empty part with the solution if all parts already have a solution.


elem – A string or panflute element denoting a worked solution.


>>> from in2lambda.api.question import Question
>>> question = Question()
>>> question.add_part_text("part a")
>>> question.add_solution("part a solution")
>>> question
Question(title='', parts=[Part(text='part a', worked_solution='part a solution')], images=[], main_text='')
>>> question.add_part_text("part b")
>>> question.add_part_text("part c")
>>> question.add_solution("Solution for b")
>>> # Note that since c doesn't have a solution, it's set to b's solution
>>> question
Question(title='', parts=[Part(text='part a', worked_solution='part a solution'), Part(text='part b', worked_solution='Solution for b'), Part(text='part c', worked_solution='Solution for b')], images=[], main_text='')
>>> question.add_solution("We now have a solution for c!")
>>> question
Question(title='', parts=[Part(text='part a', worked_solution='part a solution'), Part(text='part b', worked_solution='Solution for b'), Part(text='part c', worked_solution='We now have a solution for c!')], images=[], main_text='')
property main_text: strΒΆ

Main top-level question text.

Setting the attribute multiple times appends to the current value with a newline. This allows question text to be dynamically appended.


>>> from in2lambda.api.question import Question
>>> question = Question()
>>> question.main_text = "hello"
>>> question.main_text = "there"
>>> question.main_text