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compareConstructs is an evaluation function that checks and verifies Python code against a given correct answer.


Currently, there is little to no security implemented in this function. User-submitted responses are evaluated using Python's eval() and exec() functions, which provide no isolation whatsoever. This means that user code can trivially run any command on the server, potentially stealing secrets and taking advantage of server resources.

It is VERY IMPORTANT that this situation is resolved before releasing this to students. More information and some potential solutions are given here.

Current State

Currently, compareConstructs provides the following checking methods, which are each described in detail in their own documents:

Architecture Overview

By convention, all Lambda Feedback evaluation functions written in Python have a function called evaluation_function(answer, response, params). In this case, response is the code entered by the student, answer is the answer written by the teacher, and params are parameters configured for this particular question. This is found in The return value contains the feedback to give to the student through the web client.

In compareConstructs, this function calls run_checks(), which runs the above checks sequentially. Exactly which checks are run depends on the param given. If none of these checks are run, a request is made to the OpenAI API to mark the response, with all the possibility of error this implies.

Future Improvements

The scope of this project is very open ended, so there is a lot of room to add features and make improvements. Some suggestions are listed in


compareConstructs was started in the summer of 2024 by Jieyu Zhao, with significant contributions from Max Hurlow, who also wrote the documentation. If you have any questions about the project, feel free to contact me (Max). I'm sure you can figure out how.