b600-teacher-set-ra-statistics - Set statistics for teachers
b555-firefox-expression-writing-and-scanning-misaligned - Upgraded canvas library to make sure canvas is working with Firefox
b568-header-no-drop-down-if-only-one-instance - The module instance to be displayed as a text (instead of dropdown) in the header if there is only one module instance
b559-instances-in-order - corrected order of module instances in the header for both, teacher and student view, to be in descending chronological order
b598-query-for-admin-dashboard-evaluation-functions-needs-optimisation - optiised query for evaluation function statistics in admin dashboard
b604-teacher-modules-stats - Show set's activity and progress statistics on teacher's modules list page
b607-duplicate-notifications - preventing email notifications to be sent twice
b460-ui-tweaks-iii - additional tweaks to the user interface
b541-module-cloning-should-copy-over-support-material-settings - module cloning carries over settings for visibility of structured tutorials, final answers, and worked solutions.
b533-firebase-auth-idtoken-is-required - no change to UX. Fixed issue "Error: idToken is required" caused by a premature query before the token was available
b537-a-gap-between-title-and-list-of-modules - fix: remove unintended gap between the page title and content when the canvas feature was opened
b463-save-button-for-all-response-types - save button to save work before submission. Configurable per response type at ADMIN level, and per response area at TEACHER.
b468-email-updates-settings - introduced an admin feature allowing changes to the recap schedule setting for each teacher
b503-the-list-of-errors-and-flags-in-teacher-view-to-contain-info-about-the-part - enhanced the teacher view by including details about which part each flag and error was created against
b527-numericunits-displays-answers-incorrectly-in-the-configure-panel - resolved an issue with numeric units that previously displayed incorrectly when spaces were present
b529-update-branches-info-in-readmemd - updated the README.md to provide developers with the latest information about the ticket board and testing processes
b506-add-authentication-with-google - replaced MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library) with Firebase Authentication to allow sign-in using both Microsoft and Google accounts
b465-do-not-remove-whitespace-from-input-symbols - fix: remove spaces from input symbols only at the beginning and end, preserving spaces in the middle
b477-set-json-generation-returns-403-if-a-media-is-not-accessible - improvement: PDF generation now returns a clearer error message when media fails to download
b507-module-options-edit-does-not-work-correctly - fix: refresh module options in the teacher view after they are updated
b511-publish-whole-set-questions-missing-from-list - fix: ensure the list of unchanged questions in information messages displays all relevant questions
b512-add-eslint-rules-for-imports - improvement: adjusted import order in code for better readability and logical structure
b513-open-link-choices-for-tab-columns-with-links - enhancement: added “open link” options to table columns containing hyperlinks, improving navigation across tables
b514-pdf-generation-pandoc-exited-with-code-43-fontconfig-error-no-writable-cache-directories - adjustment: modified PDF generation to redirect Fontconfig logs to writable directories within the Lambda function
b482-question-scrolls-up-when-clicking-check-or-mark-as-done-on-mobile-and-tablet - fix: resolved issue where marking student submissions as done caused the page to scroll to the top on mobiles and tablets.
b483-feedback-area-does-not-support-latex-rendering-again - adjustment to the feedback to support latex
b490-dashboard-high-no-of-students - improved the dashboard’s calculation of the current number of students.
b494-augment-feedback-if-the-augment-is-true-and-the-returned-feedback-is-empty - updated the augment feedback functionality to handle cases where the augment flag is true, but the returned feedback is empty.
b496-feedback-to-handle-html-and-latex - adjustment to the feedback to support html alongside latex
b486-cloning-parts-in-wrong-order - corrected the part order in cloned module instances and updated code to ensure future clones maintain correct part order.
b220-download-one-student-progress - download an individual student’s progress in CSV format.
b471-admin-teacher-enrolment-should-accept-comma-separated-lists - admin enrolment of teachers accepts comma-separated lists, allowing multiple teachers to be added at once.
b478-question-not-visible-in-tablet-mode-when-canvas-closed - fix: question was not visible in tablet mode when the canvas was closed.
b480-draw-mode-proceed-button-almost-invisible-update-to-match-the-design-on-scan-mode - EXPRESSION response area: added the “Proceed” button in draw mode to match the design on scan mode.
b218-teacher-view-modules-students-explore-do-not-limit-next - teacher view of student progress: “Next” button progresses to all students, not just those listed on the current table page.
b448-question-jumps-to-top-on-mark-as-done - UI fix: resolved issue where marking student submissions as done caused the page to jump to the top.
b466-limit-number-of-student-submissions - eval functions receive the number of student submissions per response area, and can optionally limit submissions e.g. to external services.
b467-correct-separatefeedbacks-to-separatefeedback - schema correction: separatefeedbacks to separatefeedback (relates to the 'Augment feedback based on correctness' functionality.)
b475-set-all-augment-booleans-to-false-in-a-specific-module - Set all "Augment feedback based on correctness" booleans to false for a selected math module.