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Student/User Documentation

Question structure

Screenshot of question

The image above shows an example question, with numbers to indicate:

  1. Breadcrumbs showing location
  2. Name of the Problem Set
  3. PDF version (link)
  4. Names of the questions in the Set, indicating which question is open
  5. Question number and name
  6. Guidance (expands on hover)
  7. Master content (always visible to student)
  8. Part selection (tabs)
  9. Part content (only visible when relevant part is open - (a),(b), etc.)
  10. Response area, where student responses are entered and feedback is given
  11. Feedback to the teacher (currently in flux regarding the design - 31/8/22)
  12. Access to content 'below the line' providing extra support.

Below the line

Below the line buttons screenshot

  • My solutions - create your own content. Drag and drop images or type content. Use standard markdown.
  • Structured tutorial - teachers use this in different ways. It is generally a way to provide scaffolding if you're struggling.
  • Final Answer - warning, don't ever look at the answer before you make your own genuine attempt at answering the question.
  • Worked solutions - warning, don't ever look at the solutions before you make your own attempt. If necessary, look at the first line and reveal a step at a time.

Last update: June 28, 2024