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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I enroll students on my new Module

Students and users are given access to a module using their college email address (from microsoft).

  1. Login and navigate to your Teacher dashboard
  2. Select the module on which you want to enroll students
  3. When on the module page, click the View Students button
  4. Enter the enrolment page by clicking the Entroll Students button
  5. Enroll students by supplying one or more student email addresses

How can I move questions between problem sets?

When creating a new question the teacher can choose to "clone" from an existing question. The teacher can then delete the original version.

  1. In the problem set you wish to move the question to, select the v symbol to the right of the Add Question button
  2. From the dropdown menu, select Clone From Question
  3. Select the title of the question you wish clone from the list that appear
  4. If you wish, go back and delete the question from its original location

To share a link with students, open the Problem Set in STUDENT mode (light blue top bar), and copy the URL from the browser.

To share a link with teachers who will access the content editor and analytics, share a link from TEACHER mode (orange top bar); students won't be able to access this link.

How can I set parameters for evaluation functions?

The most common parameters will be visible uder the EVALUATE tab in the configure panel.

If there is a parameter that is not already visible it can be set using the Advanced - raw parameters (also under the EVALUATE tab) by doing the following:

Image showing the locations of parameters in the EVALUATE tab.

  1. Hover over the list of parameters in the Advanced - raw parameters area. Click the green plus-symbol that appears.

Image showing the green plus that appears when hovering over the list of parameters.

  1. Type the name of the parameter (without quotation marks).

Image showing input dialog for parameter names.

  1. Hover over the box that says NULL next to the newly added parameter. Click the green pen symbol that appears to the right of it.

Image showing symbols that appear when hovering over the parameter value input box.

  1. Type in the desired value in box that appears. By default it will be assumed that the parameter value is a string. The webclient will infer other possible types based on the written input. If the setting should be a string, click the green checkmark to the top right, and if you want the inferred type click the green checkmark at the bottom right.

Image showing the two checkmarks locations that determine the type of the parameter value.

  1. The parameter is now set.

Image showing the final result of setting a parameter.

How do I reorder questions?

It is only possible to reorder published questions in a set. This prevents inadvertently inserting new questions between two published ones. This ensures consistency to the student when viewing a published set as existing questions will remain in an unchanged order, with new questions being added to the bottom (unless manually changed by the teacher). You can tell a question is unpublished as it will take the '1.X' numbering format

To reorder questions:

  1. Publish the questions you wish to reorder using FILE > SAVE AND PUBLISH (alternatively click on the PUBLISH WHOLE SET button)
  2. Refresh the page
  3. Drag and drop the questions into the new order
  4. Ensure the green box pops up saying: 'questions reordered successfully' - there is no need to republish the set

What to do when \space is not showing in the pdf generated by lambda feedback?

The Pandoc library that lambdafeedback use to generate a pdf does not support \space. Alternatives that could be use to generate a space in math block is to use the tilde symbol ~ or \, for thinner spacing.

What to do if the pdf is not compiling my inline math equation?

Please check if there is an additional space at the start or a the end of the equation. This is usually the cause for inline math blocks not compiling.

Sometimes if you are copy-pasting text into equations you may end up with certain characters that look normal but actually have different ASCII codes than what you intended. This may also cause a PDF not to compile.

How can I have the same font for the unit and for the number in the math block?

You can use the code \mathrm{} or {\rm}. Both code will give you your units in serifed Times New Roman, which is the same font as the number in the math block when compiled.

Complex Numbers Notation

If you want to use I for the imaginary constant, add the parameter complexNumbers to "advanced - raw parameters" by clicking the green (+). Type in complexNumbers and press enter. Click the green edit button, type in "True" and a pop-up bool - true will appear. Click the green tick.

Sreenshot of button to add criteria

You can denote i and j as I by using the input symbols below.

Sreenshot of button to add criteria

Furthermore, the system can equate exp(Ix) to cos(x)+Isin(x).