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Get started as a teacher using Lambda Feedback

Access a module

Use your Imperial Microsoft account to sign in and access your modules. By default you are logged in as a student and the interface will be blue. If you have teacher priviliges then you will see a teacher button at the top.


To enter teacher mode, click on the Teacher button, and the colour of the interface will change to orange. This is where you are able to access all your modules, as well as upload and edit problem sets.

As of 07/2023, new modules can only be added to Lambda Feedback by administrators. Please speak to an admin if you wish for your module to be added to the website.


To find the module you want, you can sort ASCENDING as per the image below:
Sort Filter
Image: quick sort (left) or filtering (right)

As of 31/8/22 the filtering/sorting only works on the content visible on the current page (other pages are ignored). We aim to fix this by sorting at the backend.

Select the module you wish to edit.
Select module

Create a new problem set

Click on your module and then click on "view sets" (upper left-hand corner).
View sets

Create a new set by pressing the button seen below and this will automatically appear with a default name which you can edit by clicking 'edit set metadata':
Create set

To edit the content, click on the set name. This will open the Set in a 'WYSIWYG' editor. The first question is automatically created with a default name.

The question structure is described here.

Below the line

Below the main question content you can provide high quality support material for students.

Below the line buttons screenshot

A student guide is here and teachers use the content as follows:

  • Structured tutorial is a canvas to provide scaffolding to students struggling with the question.
  • Final answer is self explanatory.
  • Worked solutions provides detailed, step-by-step solutions.

All content below the line uses milkdown functionality. Worked solutions can be branched. Future developments will add branching and response areas to structured tutorials.

It is not necessary to include all three methods of help, if only one of the tabs is filled then only that one button will be included in the published student version.

For general terminology, see here.

To see further details on how to edit your questions, see here.

Enrolling students

In TEACHER mode, open your module home page and click 'VIEW STUDENTS' then 'ENROL STUDENTS'

View students button Enrol students button

Enter a comma-separated list of email addresses. Press 'Enter' to confirm the addresses, and then 'SUBMIT' to enrol the students

Imperial College London email addresses

You must use the long form email address:

Valid: (student) (staff) (staff)


The reason for the above is because we use Azure Active Directory - i.e. Microsoft - to authorise users.

Last update: June 28, 2024