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General multiple choice response area. Features multiple options for single answer and randomising the order.

Evaluation Function Options


Evaluation function checks if the supplied response and answer arrays are within the optionally supplied tolerances. This is based on the numpy.allclose function. Numpy is a dependancy for this function, but it means that arrays of any shape (regular) can be compared efficiently.


options (required)

This is an array containing strings, each representing an option in the multiple choice component. These are parsed using the parseEquations function, meaning they can support markdown styling and LaTeX.


"options": [
  "\\( 4x^2 + 2 = \\frac{\\delta y}{\\delta x} \\)",
  "\\( \\pi = 3 \\)",
  "\\( K_{iakb} U^{b}_{k} = f^{a}_{i} \\)",
  "\\( 3 = \\pi \\)",

Randomise (optional)

This is an optional boolean which will shuffle the options array on each render of this component.

switch to 'randomise' Screenshot

singleAnswer (optional)

By default, each item options is rendered using the html checkbox input type. Setting the singleAnswer boolean flag will turn those into radio buttons, allowing the student to select only one option at a time.

Note Changing this flag will alter the shape of the Response Structure, and potentially require changing the grading function type and settings.

Response Structure

This is how the react component will structure the user's input to the Grading Gateway, when they press the check button.

This structure is different depending on if the singleAnswer option was used:

singleAnswer == False (or undefined)

In this case, the user data is saved as an array with the same length as options, where each item is either a 1 or a 0 depending on if the corresponding option was selected.


If for an instance where there are 4 options, and the first and third options were selected, the response field would be:

"response": [1, 0, 1, 0]

Example Screenshot: SingleAnswer = False Screenshot

singleAnswer == True

In this case, there is only one correct answer, and each option is displayed as a radio button. Therefore the response field contains only one integer, corresponding to the index of the selected option.


If for an instance where there are 4 options, and the third option was selected, the response field would be:

"response": 2

Example Screenshot: SingleAnswer = True Screenshot

Example Student Response

Screenshot This shows a response where singleAnswer was set to False, since each option is displayed as a checkbox

Last update: June 28, 2024